Cloverdale Elementary School Embraces Philanthropy as Part of New Community Foundation Program
Putnam County Community Foundation (PCCF) is proud to congratulate Cloverdale Elementary School on earning $1,500 in grants through the Kids Make Change coin drive challenge and art contest.
Kids Make Change is the newest program of PCCF’s Youth Philanthropy Initiative which educates and empowers the next generation of Putnam County philanthropists. All Putnam County second grade classrooms were invited to participate in Kids Make Change, starting with a lesson on philanthropy which focuses on ways students can share their time, talent, and treasure to help other people. Each of these three components include challenges for the students including a service project, an art contest, and a coin drive to support a cause of their choice.
The 2024 Kids Make Change coin drive winner is Cloverdale Elementary School, raising over $2,800 to build a new outdoor classroom, earning an additional $1,000 grant for their achievement.
“The Putnam County Community Foundation hopes to build a culture of philanthropy starting with our youngest students,” said Sarah Stone, Putnam County Community Foundation Communications Director. “We’re happy to see each of our county’s schools participate in the Kids Make Change program and have been blown away by the commitment of the entire Cloverdale community to supporting their students’ goals.”
The 2024 Kids Make Change program art contest winner is Mabel Meluch from Cloverdale Elementary whose winning artwork earned her school a $500 grant. Mabel’s artwork along with the artwork of each of the additional finalists will be shared by PCCF throughout the year.
The 2024 Kids Make Change art contest finalists are: Charlotte Gulley, Ridpath Primary School; Ruby Cundiff, Ridpath Primary School; Caroline Reed, Roachdale Elementary School; Kinsley Knight, Bainbridge Elementary School; and Leola Rasner, Central Elementary School.
The Putnam County Youth Philanthropy Initiative began in 2006 and includes three programs which serve Putnam County students throughout the school career: the Youth Philanthropy Committee (high school), Darrel Wiatt Family Philanthropy Essay Contest (middle school) and Kids Make Change (elementary).
Congratulations to the coin drive runners-up Central Elementary School for raising over $700 to support the Humane Society of Putnam County and Ridpath Primary School which raised over $250 to support Riley Children’s Hospital.

Mabel Meluch, Cloverdale Elementary School
“I drew all the parts of philanthropy together in a heart.”

Charlotte Gulley, Ridpath Primary School
“I drew a kid picking up trash.”

Leola Rasner, Central Elementary School
“I drew me and my mom helping someone get better and walk again.”

Ruby Cundiff, Ridpath Primary School
“I drew a kid helping with chores.”

Caroline Reed, Roachdale Elementary School
People helping the environment.

Kinsley Knight, Bainbridge Elementary School
A colorful home.