The Philanthropist I Know and Admire the Most

Congratulations to North Putnam Middle School student, Alivia Moore, for her winning essay in the 2023 Wiatt Family Philanthropy Essay Contest. Alivia’s accomplishment earned her school a $500 grant, and an additional $150 grant was given to the Reading Improvement Center, the charity of Alivia’s choice.

Read Alivia’s complete essay below.

A Philanthropist I Know and Admire the Most

A philanthropist I know personally and admire the most is my cousin Jessica. She was a cadet teacher at Bailey Elementary for two years and worked with deaf and hard of hearing students. Her first experiences with the deaf launched her into a philanthropic lifestyle of translating for those with hearing disabilities. In kindergarten she had a friend that was deaf this made her want to learn sign language at a young age so she could talk to her friend. Jessica also interned with the American Sign Language interpreters at Cheste1ion high school for a year. My cousin is a caring individual who, despite the odds, is able to make a difference even through small changes. Practicing and communicating with those that are often left behind in school, made her a suppmi system for those in need.


Growing up, Jessica was bullied because she had dyslexia. However, this only made her want to give to others and help support others in what they want to accomplish. Jessica spent time going to ASL chats around the area to help improve her sign language. Since communication is so important, her efforts to improve knowledge of non-verbal communication is vital to the deaf youth. She also volunteers her time for the American Sign Language program at Duneland Boys and Girls Club. She shows that she has self-sacrificing concerns for the betterment and happiness of others without thinking about any personal interests. A philanthropist is someone who donates time, money, and property, and Jessica does that everyday. My cousin aspires to help those with disabilities reach their potential to succeed despite discrimination.


Jessica started an ASL program to teach American Sign Language to younger kids. The program was free and she volunteered her time. She suppmis and donates her time to help her students feel included. As she grew up her empathy for the deaf community brought her to take interest in an occupation in the ASL field. Jessica is going to Vincennes University to further her education in American Sign Language. She collaborates with her team when working with hard of hearing and deaf students. She encourages people to spread information about what she does to suppmi the hard of hearing and deaf community. A philanthropist wants the best for everyone. Jessica has a selfless concern for the fairness of others and puts others’ needs before her own. Jessica devotes her time and money to help improve the hard of hearing and deaf students learning program. Jessica is a charitable person who cares for others’ well being. This is why Jessica is a perfect example of a philanthropist.

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