The Board of Directors is honored to recruit and nominate exceptional, qualified, and committed individuals to the volunteer Board of Directors. PCCF strives for diversity of skills and professional backgrounds, as well as geographic representation across the county.
The Board has the authority to fill vacant board positions between annual meetings, but board members must be voted on by our members. Board members are elected to a 3-year term and may serve for a maximum of two full consecutive terms.
Earlier this year Jane Huge was appointed to the Board beginning her first three-year term on July 1, 2020, and ending December 31, 2023. Additionally, the Board offers Dakota Everts, Greg Linton, and Brad McClure for a first three-year term beginning January 1, 2021, and ending December 31, 2023

Dakota Everts and her husband, Kyle, reside in Fillmore, Indiana, with their two-year-old son, Crosley, and another one the way. Dakota is a 2010 graduate of North Putnam High School and a 2014 graduate of Purdue University, where she received her degree in Ag Finance.
She works at Farm Credit Mid-America, where she serves as the Vice President of Growing Forward and Lending Partnerships. Dakota and her team work to support young and beginning farmers across Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee get their start in agriculture.
Dakota and her family raise a small flock of commercial market lambs and enjoy living the rural lifestyle. She has served on the Grants Committee at the Putnam County Community Foundation since 2016. She enjoys volunteering with 4-H activities and giving back to the Putnam County community.

Jane Huge graduated from Purdue University with a major in Animal Science, also completed the Indiana Agriculture Leadership Institute 2-year program. She has been in the Animal Health Industry for the past 36 years selling veterinary pharmaceuticals in the Midwest.
Jane has been very active in our youths’ development in our community and state. She has been the Putnam County 4-H Dog Club Leader since 2014 and involved with the club since 2006, and also on the Putnam County Fair Board. She’s been the Indiana State Fair Dog Show Obedience Chair since 2015, were she is in charge of the show for over 500 4-H Members and their dogs. Jane has been on the Cloverdale Community Dollars for Scholars Board since 2003 and has been involved with the interview process of the candidates since its inception. Jane wrote the Agricultural Sales Presentation Leadership Development Event Contest for the Indiana FFA Association and judges the state contest every year.
Jane lives with her husband Duane, an Agriculture Teacher on a 150-acre farm south of Cloverdale. Their daughter Mariah graduated May 2020 from Purdue University with a major in Animal Science also.

Greg Linton and his wife, Heather, reside outside of Brazil, Indiana. He has three children, Jaclyn, Nicole, and Ethan, and three grandchildren.
Greg is a Clay County native and an Indiana State University graduate. He is the current Superintendent for the Cloverdale Community School Corporation. He joined CCSC in 2014 following nearly five years as the Spencer-Owen Community Schools (SOCS) Superintendent.
His previous roles include being the assistant superintendent at SOCS, principal at North Clay Middle School and Spencer Elementary School, along with holding several administrative and classroom teacher positions.
Greg currently serves on the Putnam County Community Foundation’s Finance Committee. He is an active member of Rotary International, the Indiana Association of School Superintendents, and the Indiana Association of School Board Officials.

Brad McClure is a 2000 graduate of Cloverdale High School and a 2004 graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a degree in Pastoral Ministries. He also received a Master of Ministries from Baptist College of America and served as a pastor for 12 years in Michigan and Southern Indiana before moving back to Cloverdale.
Brad now works as Retail Loan Officer with First National Bank and serves along side his dad and brother at Faith Baptist Church of Cunot, Indiana.
Brad and his wife Michelle have four children and enjoy coaching them in local sports throughout the spring and summer.